Southeast Review

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Southeast Review is a nationally acclaimed literary magazine, first established in 1979 as Sundog, that gives voice to underrepresented and emerging writers on the same stage as well-established ones. We publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, interviews, and art across our print issues and online. We value eclecticism and boldness, work that makes our readers sit up, think, and see the world differently. Work from SER is anthologized or noted in Best American Essays, Best of the Net, Best New Poets, Best Small Fictions, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology. Representative authors include Ai Ogawa, Carl Phillips, Danez Smith, D.A. Powell, Denise Duhamel, Brandon Taylor, Erica Berry, Hai-Dang Phan, Justin Phillip Reed, Megan Giddings, Natalie Shapero, Tiana Clark, Zeina Hashem Beck, Dana Levin, Victoria Chang, and Becky Mandelbaum.

Social Media Platforms Used
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Is Your Group Affiliated With A University, Portal Or Other Agency?
If Yes, Please Name
Florida State University
Primary Editor/Contact Person
Laura Biagi
Contact Title
essays, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, art, translation
Recent Awards Received
Best American Essays, Best of the Net, Best New Poets, Best Small Fictions, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology
Representative Authors
Danez Smith, Brandon Taylor, Dana Levin
Submissions Policy
We accept submissions for publication consideration year-round through Submittable. Our modest reading fee of $3 helps us meet the cost of this service, and all proceeds are directed to our contributor’s fund. Every submission is considered for both biannual and online publication. Currently BIPOC writers can submit for free. Incarcerated writers can submit at any time for free on our Submittable or via mail. We also hold annual contests once per year in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art, with the winners of each category receiving $500. We try to respond to submissions within 2-4 months, but it may take up to 6 months. If you haven’t heard from us after 6 months, you may query the appropriate section editor (contact information is on our website). We accept simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your piece via Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere. Please wait until you receive a reply regarding a submission before you submit a new piece. We do not publish work that has been previously published elsewhere. We acquire First North American serial rights, and payment is in the form of an honorarium from our contributor's fund. Contributors accepted for print publication will also receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their work will appear. Current students and recent graduates of Florida State University, contest judges, and SER readers and masthead members are not eligible to submit. FSU graduates become eligible to submit once 5 years have passed since graduation.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Simultaneous Submissions Accepted
Reading Period
Year round
Reporting Time
3 - 6 months
Author Payments
cash, copies
Short-Short Story, Poetry, Nonfiction, and Art Contests. Prize: $500 and publication. Deadline: December.
Number Of Paid Staff
Number Of Unpaid Staff
Year Founded
Average Print Run
Total Circulation
Paid Subscriptions
Single Copy Price
Back Issues Available
Unsolicited Manuscripts Accepted
If Yes, What Percent Of All Unsolicited MSS Are Published
6 - 9
Average Number Of Pages
Laura Biagi
How Did You Arrive At Your Current Position?
I started on the Fiction Team, after having worked as Fiction Editor at Gulf Coast and within the book publishing industry as a Literary Agent. I rose to the Editor-in-Chief position after less than a year and entered the whirlwind fun of this job!
What Is The Staff Structure At Your Magazine/press?
We have approximately 3-4 people on each Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry Team, in addition to a larger group of readers helping them. We are all graduate students at FSU, but we often have extensive editorial experience elsewhere.
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Keep it simple. Address the letter to the appropriate section editor(s) for the genre you're submitting to, and then give us a brief sense of your background and any prior work published. We're mainly looking to be wowed by your writing!
How Are Submissions Processed In Your Magazine/press?
Our Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry Teams assign submissions to their readers, then review the work and the readers' comments. They narrow these down to a selection of pieces they're excited about it and meet to debate which to publish.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We want to find work that is bold and fresh. We ask ourselves: Is it unique, from other submissions we've read? Are there lines that we keep thinking about long after? Is it solidly structured and precise with its language?
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
When you feel your piece is the strongest you can make it, try us! We love to find emerging writers and are often among the first publishers for our writers' work. We are eager to find unique, new voices, and help others discover them, too.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
I remember reading Wilhelm Sitz's "Sans Souci" close to the issue deadline and crossing my fingers it would be strong. It blew me away! Not only did we publish him in that next issue, he also read for us at AWP in Philadelphia to roaring success!
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Someone who loves finding unusual, unexpected gems that open their mind in new ways. Someone who loves reveling over small, striking details. Someone excited to see pieces reverberating against one another creating an overall, one-of-a-kind effect.
