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645 Morgan Ave, Apt 3, Brooklyn, NY, 11222, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
I. Tagvverk is a space for display and discussion that aspires to engage and enliven public discourse on text/literature. II. The tagwerk was an archaic German unit of measurement for the amount of land that could be worked in a day. The word combines where space meets time meets work. III. Production is a process, productivity a demonstration. IV. Why call it a work if it is unproductive? What is an experiment without results: a performance? A retreat? V. A lack of politics is bad politics. VI. Tagvverk is interested in texts that deal not just with the present moment but the process of their own production, reviews/criticism that go beyond the work and into our current culture, texts as indices of the contemporary, as well as moments of cultural/textual dislocation.
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- 1 weeks
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