The AutoEthnographer Literary and Arts Magazine

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The AutoEthnographer is a non-profit, open-access, peer-reviewed literary and arts magazine dedicated to presenting the creative side of autoethnography, a qualitative research method that utilizes lived experience as evidence with which to explore cultural phenomena. A 501(c)(3), our vision is to become a trusted platform to share and educate readers about evocative personal inquiry; we believe that autoethnography, the intersection of ethnography & autobiography, is a powerful tool for cultural, personal, and professional reflection and expression. Our secondary mission is to support emerging authors and artists, promote cultural diversity awareness, and celebrate creative inquiry.

Social Media Platforms Used
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, LinkedIn
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Primary Editor/Contact Person
Marlen Harrison
Contact Title
Editor in Chief
Submissions Policy
The Autoethnographer is a non-profit, open-access, peer-reviewed, digital literary and arts magazine. Our independent editorial team of international artists, performers, writers, and scholars invites unpublished, unsolicited, evocative stories – sometimes textual, audio, visual, or multimodal – crafted in conjunction with autoethnography that celebrate the intersection of personal expression and cultural inquiry. We also invite reflections on performing autoethnography, interviews with or among autoethnographers, and news/resources. Simultaneous submissions to other outlets are permissible so long as you notify us immediately should you decide to publish elsewhere.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Year Founded
Average Print Run
Total Circulation
