The Chamber Magazine

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Poetry, Reviews, Visual Art
Year Established
Gillett, AR
Phil Slattery
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Chamber Magazine publishes short contemporary dark fiction & poetry monthly (at no charge to the reader) from around the world and from all genres: mainstream, literary, science-fiction, fantasy, horror, grimdark, suspense/thriller, action-adventure, experimental, gothic, Southern gothic, neo-noir, noir, transgressive, magical realism, macabre, mystery/crime, cyberpunk, and more. The Chamber also publishes interviews with many of its authors. The Chamber publishes 40,000+ words of prose (alone) in each issue. The Chamber is read in over 100 countries and has contributors from over a dozen nations.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Be concise and professional. Include a bio of about fifty words to accompany your story/poem, if accepted. Be sure to include word count.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Artistic but expert use of English. I prefer traditional manuscript formats like Shunn. Professionalism & creativity are critical. I like powerful, poignant works that are memorable & make an intellectual & an emotional connection with the reader.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Be professional and concise. Get straight to the point. Editors read A LOT and don't have time for anything unnecessary. Know the traditional ways of doing things (e.g. manuscript format) before being creative.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
No, not really.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Someone who praises my intellect, looks, and masculinity and sends large donations. :) Just joking, of course. Seriously, my ideal reader is anyone who reads every story and poem in every issue and provides constructive criticism in the comments.