The Journal of Creative Arts Therapies (JoCAT)

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
JoCAT – 2020 (ANZJAT – 2006)
Locked Bag 1797 Penrith, NSW
Vic Segedin
Coordinator/Editorial Assistant
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
JoCAT is the biannual open access peer reviewed publication of the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association in association with the School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University. JoCAT provides a lively forum for academic research and practice-based papers with a focus on reflexivity and innovation in the field. It sets out to offer a useful resource for practitioners, and to contribute to broader knowledge and understanding of the creative arts therapies. JoCAT creates opportunities and encouragement for new and established authors within Aotearoa New Zealand, Asia/Pacific, Australia, and internationally to publish their work. The journal promotes a diversity of modalities, philosophical orientations, voices and genres.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Average Unique Visitors Per Month