The Saltbush Review

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Magill, South Australia
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Saltbush Review takes inspiration from its namesake, the saltbush plant, a native shrub which flourishes in Australia’s arid, salty soil and around the country’s coastal landscapes. The journal seeks to celebrate the local space of South Australia, from which it has grown, while also fostering interconnectedness with the country’s creative and literary communities. Like the grey saltbush which blooms by the coast, the journal embraces the liminal, the marginal, and the fluid. Looking out beyond the littoral zone, the journal seeks to opens its connections across the oceans to other parts of the world. A space for new literary work by both emerging and established writers, The Saltbush Review is open to all voices from around the globe. We love works that convey diverse relationships to place and identity and that are not afraid to experiment with boundaries. We acknowledge the challenges that all writers face, especially writers from marginalised communities, and we encourage writers from all backgrounds to submit work.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
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