
Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Cross Genre Hybrid, Autobiography Memoir, Erotica, Experimental, Feminist, Visual Art
Year Established
Primary Contact
Nkem Chukwumerije
Primary Contact Title
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Wellspringwords Literary Anthology is an anthology of writing and intimate literature. For us, this means literature created from a space of self-intimacy and inner listening. What is written for the self is then presented to the collective: honest, refreshing, and enjoyable, like the way one enjoys spending time with a soulmate they just met for the first time. Through this writing, we aim to bring readers and writers together through the authentic heart, mind, and soul space. As the Wellspringwords platform prioritizes the authentic creative expression of women of color, our Literary Anthology is a space specifically for women of color writers around the Earth. We intend to bring together voices from women of the global majority around the world through the powerful vehicle of words. Our inquiries and exploration here in this space, on this platform, are not always glamorous. We understand that to move through inherited, projected, and created internal and external darkness and into the abundant light of Love requires a deep devotion to truth. This journey requires a devotion to vitality and storytelling and creation and legacy. In this work of writing and visioning, learning and teaching, we choose to deepen into life’s own wellspring because we trust that the resilience we cultivate throughout our lifetimes leads to priceless wisdom for ourselves, individually, and for the whole, through all timelines. Through contemplating wisdom, we allow light to pour into and all over our internal landscapes, our external lives, and our words that live on beyond the magical moment of creation. Through the pieces shared in this anthology of writing and intimate literature travel the voices and expressions of the ancestors of these women writers, moving through time and space, into the here and now. The magic of living exists in storytelling, whether prose, poetry, or experimental writing. Claiming the words used to create life through story, through narrative, is claiming life itself. This literary anthology acts as a creative home and space for intellectual and intuitive evolution for our writers. All chosen submissions undergo an intimate and trauma-informed editorial process that includes developmental editing (where needed) aimed at supporting the writer in discovering, deepening, and refining their authentic voice.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Author Payments
How Frequently Is Content Updated?
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Keep it simple. Add a genuine note about why you're submitting to that publisher.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Authenticity, intention, and refined writing skills.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Understand your voice, understand the voice of the publication, and adhere to the guidelines.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Someone who gets carried away sensually by story.
