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Wordrunner eChapbooks

Type Of Publisher
POB 613 Petaluma, California 94953 United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Wordrunner eChapbooks is a hybrid of literary journal and online chapbook, the latter featuring mini-fiction collections by one author that are also available as ebooks. Our annual online journals are themed anthologies of prose and poetry. All authors are paid. Our aim is to make high quality writing available free or at very low or no cost, much like the original chapbooks that were hawked in the streets of 18th and 19th century London for pennies. Web publications are our 21st century chapbooks. In many issues, hyperlinks to photos, videos, background articles, maps, poetry, and artwork add new dimensions to the online reading experience. We are focusing on fiction now, but have published memoir and poetry collections and may do so again.
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period

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Average Unique Visitors Per Month
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
We read "blind" and don't see the cover letters until after decisions are made. A bio is appreciated.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Emotional complexity and nuanced characters. A well-crafted piece.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
We welcome first-timers. Polish and polish, and don't give up.