Join CLMP for an emergency session to discuss SPD's closure.
Event Date
Event Time
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Event Venue
Virtual (Zoom)

On March 28, Small Press Distribution (SPD) announced that their operations have ceased, effective immediately. CLMP is hosting an emergency session for presses previously distributed by SPD to hear advice and discuss next steps.
We will also be joined by representatives from Bookmobile/Itasca Books and Asterism Books.
Bookmobile/Itasca Books:
Nicole Baxter, Director of Sales, Marketing, and Publisher Services
Mark Jung, Director of Itasca Books
Jake Soderberg, Director of Business Operations
Asterism Books:
Joshua Rothes, Co-Founder
Phil Bevis, Co-Founder
Laura Paul, Marketing Director
Automated closed captioning will be available for this event. If you have other accessibility requests, please contact Chelsea Kern at [email protected].