Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Year Established
New York, NY
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
"A Year of Sundays" represents a cross-section of many of the finer poems that appear in the AAPC newsgroup each year. Each month the newsgroup members compose up to five poems on a selected topic, which are then published (in a monthly online newsletter format) for workshopping and criticism. Each year, the best of these poems will be collected into a print volume and published. All styles are considered. Actively participate in the literary discussions at the AAPC newsgroup; comment on/critique the work of other members. AAPC is an interactive group, and "A Year of Sundays" was created to showcase the work of its members. The more you participate in the group, the more likely you are to be included in the year end print volume.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Contest Guidelines
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
We do not accept cover letters. Contributors are expected to join, and participate in, AAPC.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Talent, skill, technique, craftsmanship. We include all styles and forms. This is a writers' group, so high quality work is expected.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Look for SUBMISSION threads listing the Month and Topic. EX: "A YEAR OF SUNDAYS" SUBMISSIONS - MARCH 2021 - TOPIC: WINTER. Ignore the group's trolls. Offer comments and suggestions on the work of other members.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
A fellow poet.