Cheap Imitation

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Cheap Imitation is a new, highly-curated arts and literature magazine devised by a group of highly ambitious (precocious, probably) 20-something writers, musicians, and artists. Cheap Imitation rose out a dissatisfaction with the current state of literary and art magazines, not merely a dissatisfaction with the content of the magazines, or merely with their philosophy, or with their design, or with their business model, but a deep dissatisfaction with all of these things individually, and in combination. The magazine will publish two full online volumes a year, each based around a theme. The volumes will be free to access online, and contributors will be paid. Readers can subscribe to support the magazine and access extra content (interviews, an extra literary article/piece a month, etc, etc.) Any individual volume of the magazine can (and should) be viewed both as a collection of individual works, and as a work of art in of itself, and the relations of stories, art pieces, articles, typefaces, etc. to one another will be an intentionally curated part of the journal. Aesthetically, the editorial bent of Cheap Imitation tends more toward the avant-garde and the original than the conventional or realist, as there are plenty of magazines that focus on contemporary realist magazine. Additionally, the magazine will have a unique focus on multi-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary artistic and literary pursuits: music, visual art, sculpture, spoken poetry, etc.

Social Media Platforms Used
Is Your Group Affiliated With A University, Portal Or Other Agency?
Primary Editor/Contact Person
David W. Carstens
Contact Title
Editor-in-Chief || Artistic Director
Submissions Policy
1.) Open submissions across each category for a 3 month period for each issue, with a standard submission fee of $3. 2.) There will be a handful of flash submission sales announced through email or social media where, for a period of a few hours, the submission fees will be waved. 3.) A submitter can pay a small fee to get a critique letter in response to their submission, which will be used to compensate the editorial team a bit for their work. 4.) We have considered experimenting with paid, expedited submissions, but remain undecided. 5.) We will primarily publish from our open submissions call, with one or two exceptions in each issue. 6.) We will pay contributors an honorarium.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Author Payments
Year Founded
