Deerbrook Editions

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Deerbrook Editions is a literary small press publishing noteworthy and emerging authors in well-designed trade books. The press presents authors to you in quality paper back books. The design is clean and unique to each book. The press works with authors on book contents and covers, often using original art or photography from author or artist collections. You can purchase books on this site via PayPal using the payment method of your choice. You can view sample pages of several of the latest books at Our mission is to provide literature that is relevant and stimulating, to advocate and support authors by giving them a wider audience, and to connect authors and artists with their community by offering readers a new experience through literature. We plow earnings back into books. Our garden is one of books. We plant seeds of intellect and harvest nourishment. If you value art and culture then you are in a likely place to find something fruitful for the eye and mind. Our three graces are reading, writing, and teaching.

Social Media Platforms Used
Facebook, twitter, tumblr,
Is Your Group Affiliated With A University, Portal Or Other Agency?
Primary Editor/Contact Person
Jeffrey Haste
fiction, poetry
Recent Awards Received
2003 Jane Kenyon Award for Poetry to L.R. Berger 2009 Jane Kenyon Award for Poetry to Mimi White
Representative Authors
JR Solonche, Stuart Kestenbaum, Joan Siegel
Submissions Policy
The reading of manuscripts if suspended indefinitely due to the number of good ones recently received. The reading period is August 1 to October 1. Currently, no unsolicited MS will be considered. Authors can have someone recommend your work. Authors can send attached Word files. We recommend an organized collection of poems, essays, short stories or a novella of 40 to 100 pages. Most of our books are under 100 pages, including front and back matter. The smallest perfect bound trade paper book is approximately 45 pages. Manuscripts that exceed 100 pages will have to be exceptional. Except in the case of fiction and non fiction which can be longer . The manuscript should include publication credits (books, chapbooks, magazines, journals, anthologies, webzines, etc.) and any relevant biographical information. For fiction, a synopsis is helpful. MS must be edited and proof read prior to pre press. Please understand that our response time varies and can be as long as a year or more. Furthermore, once a manuscript is accepted, a publishing plan could also take up to a year. If we do offer you a contract, we will need a manuscript in Microsoft Word that has been edited, organized, and proofread. It should have a table of contents page (if necessary), a dedication, acknowledgments, reviews, blurbs, and a bio. Both poetry and prose should be flush left with no unneeded returns, except for paragraph or stanza breaks, and indented lines. Poetry should not be centered. Terms of agreement cannot be finalized until the manuscript is ready for design and press. Further editing or manuscript preparation at the design stage will slow down a publishing plan and incur costs to be charged to the author up front.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Simultaneous Submissions Accepted
Reading Period
From 8 / 1 - 10 / 31
Reporting Time
1 - 12 months
Author Payments
cash, copies
Number Of Unpaid Staff
Year Founded
baker & taylor
Number Of Books Published Per Year
Titles In Print
35 +
Average Price Per Book
Average Price Per E-Book
Jeffrey Haste
Founder/ designer/ Director
How Did You Arrive At Your Current Position?
My background is art and design, printing and book binding and the book arts.
What Is The Staff Structure At Your Magazine/press?
One man band.
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Please do not send your only copy as we will not return rejected manuscripts. Please enclose an SASE or postcard for acknowledgment of receipt.
How Are Submissions Processed In Your Magazine/press?
Submissions must come during the 1 month period. Consideration may take up to a year. Often submissions are sent out to a qualified reader. MS that are chosen will be notified about the desire to publish and the possible time frame for a plan.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We look for work that is well crafted, experimental, fresh, inventive, traditional or nontraditional.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Edit and proof read your submission well; include bio and publishing history, community activities, & reviews. Be prepared to do marketing, create a writer platform via a blog and or social media, friend bookstores, and find readings.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
Have your work copy edited and proofread so we don't have to charge you to prepare your MS.
