Dipity Literary Magazine

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
403 Pyramid St HENDERSON, NV 89014 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Dipity Literary Magazine aims to shine a light on a wide array of underrepresented voices from different parts of the world including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, creators with disabilities, and also those from Instagram, or aspiring poets. We accept unpublished poetry of all styles i.e. haikus, riddles, art, prose, spoken audio, and short fiction stories. Short stories and spoken word audio are the exception of previously published ones. Additionally, we spotlight discovered unique writing styles through a bonus shares section and musicians who are supportive of the poetry world. Dipity leverages visual morph art, photography, and experimental digital collage work in each issue. Dipity values human kindness, exposing heartfelt truths, and taking time to have fun in writing while pushing traditional boundaries. You must write what you truly feel and release every slippery banana peel in this dimension.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Response Time
3 - 9 weeks
Author Payments
Number Of Issues Per Year
Price Per Issue
Total Circulation
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We often look for creativity and vivid story telling, inspiring memory clip narratives and work that highlights the importance of having fun as a writer too.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Listen to the Hummingbird Blink Nectar Poetry Spotify podcast and Dipity's typewriter tip series. Be sure to read online examples published and to carefully read all submission rules and listen to our guideline video on the Submittable page.
