Indolent Books

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
209 Madison Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11216, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Indolent Books is a poetry press in Brooklyn that centers marginalized voices and publishes writing that is innovative, provocative, and risky. Our unique focus is poets over 50 without a first book.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Response Time
1 - 2 weeks
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Marginalized voices, poets over 50 without a first book, women, people of color, queer and trans writers, writers who are marginalized for other reasons (HIV, trauma, neurodivergence, etc).
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Think about what you expect from a publisher, and bear in mind that small presses (especially micro presses) have limited resources to market and promote your book—You need to be a proficient self-promotor.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Seeker of innovative, provocative, risky writing