Inverted Syntax

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
​Human expression is never orderly. It is a space of disruption. To let ourselves express means to be vulnerable. It means to invert syntax so as to articulate the visceral. In 1862, Edouard Manet painted Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe (The Luncheon on the Grass). In 1863 it was rejected by the Paris Salon—the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, one of the art academies in Paris. Undeterred, Manet showed his work at another exhibit, Salon des Refusés, French for "exhibition of rejects,” where it generated both positive and negative responses. What we love about this story is that Manet believed in the power of his work even when the Salon jury did not. He knew its value, and he wasn't going to let others decide whether it deserved to be seen. He knew that the establishment shouldn't have the final say. At Inverted Syntax, we feel similarly. We want to be writers Salon des Refusés. We believe that something is missing from the current literary and visual arts landscape— work that feels rogue, daring. Work that breaks the rules. Work that doesn't have any rules. We don’t want work that adheres to outdated definitions. We want experimental. We want hybrid. We want progressive. We want work that takes unorthodox approaches to form and aesthetics. We want work that rebels against the establishment and pushes us toward something we have yet to define— or perhaps something that resists definition altogether. We want memorable, haunting approaches to art and language that turn us inside out and convey novel insights into the human experience. We want it all.

Social Media Platforms Used
Instagram mostly @invertedsyntax
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Primary Editor/Contact Person
Nawal Nader-French
Contact Title
Contact Email
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Simultaneous Submissions Accepted
Reading Period
Year round
Reporting Time
Year Founded
Number Of Books Published Per Year
In 2026 we hope to release up to 5 books
Titles In Print
Magazine so far: Inverted Syntax Issue 1,2,3,4,5
Number Of Issues Per Year
Back Issues Available
Unsolicited Manuscripts Accepted
Publish Print Anthology?
