
Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Berkeley, CA
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
For the past thirty years, Qui Parle has published outstanding theoretical, critical, and creative work in the humanities and social sciences. Run by an independent group of graduate students since its founding at the University of California, Berkeley, the journal aims to start critical conversations and introduce new analytic modes by bringing together diverse scholarly and artistic voices. Contributors challenge disciplinary boundaries and engage with theoretical debates whose import stretches within and beyond the academy. Qui Parle also regularly curates special issues and dossiers organized around burgeoning intellectual topics and theoretical problems whose implications span the humanities and social sciences and reflect the varied interests of the editorial board. The web complement to the journal, Ki, seeks to explore the whatness of the critical. We aim to publish work that is critical in the most expansive sense of the word: sharp, brief, politically oriented pieces that fall outside or trouble the bounds of scholarship and its conventions. Meaning what in Punjabi, Ki signals at once a line of inquiry (what is criticality, exactly? what is it capable of?), a playful provocation (what does scholarship look like, anyway?), and a political investment in the enormous breadth of critical thought in all arenas of knowledge production. We are interested in work from the academy and also from everyday conversations, from art practices, classrooms, and activist spaces. Poetry, fiction, autotheory, flash scholarship, fieldnotes, glossaries, myths, visual and sonic arts, forms of expression without easy names: these are all of critical import, and we enthusiastically welcome them here.
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