Northwestern University Press

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Evanston, IL
Courtney Smotherman
Rights, Permissions, and Office Administrator
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Northwestern University Press is dedicated to publishing works of enduring scholarly and cultural value, extending the university’s mission to a community of readers throughout the world. The Press’s award-winning imprint, TriQuarterly Books, is devoted primarily to contemporary American fiction and poetry. In 2010, Northwestern University Press acquired the prestigious publisher of world literature Curbstone Press. The Curbstone imprint remains active and committed to its original mission. The Press publishes important works in continental philosophy, Slavic studies, literary criticism, and European and world classics, publishing series in many of these fields. Its regional books include A Theater of Our Own by Richard Christiansen, Bridges of Memory by Timuel L. Black, You Need a Schoolhouse by Stephanie Deutsch, and Chicago Lives, a series of memoirs and biographies of important Chicagoans. Northwestern University Press is committed to the widest possible dissemination of scholarship, such as cooperative distribution of electronic books to academic libraries with UPCC/MUSE. The Press continues to explore new media as it strives to promote the finest works of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
