Perugia Press

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Year Established
Florence, MA
Rebecca Olander
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Perugia Press, founded in 1997, is a nonprofit press that publishes one beautifully designed book each year: the winner of the Perugia Press Prize, our annual national contest for first or second books of poetry by women. Our mission is to support and promote women’s voices in print, and we aim to expand the audience for poetry by making books that welcome longtime readers of poetry and those new to poetry. We celebrate and promote our poets, and poetry, whenever we can, through social media, and at local, regional, and national book fairs, readings, and events. We also maintain resources for educators who would like to incorporate our books into their curricula. At Perugia Press, we are doing our part to tip the scales of gender inequity in poetry into balance.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
From 8 / 11 / 1 -15
Response Time
3 - 6 months
Charges Writers A Submission/Reading Fee
Author Payments
cash, copies
We distribute our own books through our website.
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Cover letters are not necessary. We read anonymously, and so we don't consider the identity of submitters until the end of the contest. In a cover letter, you can include a bio or acknowledgments, but these can also be added or amended later.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We publish women poets, but beyond that what we look for is expansive. We love to read what we haven't before. Perugia welcomes diversity of expression in content, form & language. Our books invite in longtime readers of poetry & those new to poetry.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
A manuscript should start and remain strong. It can overwhelm when the beginning is full of front matter. Beware of using too many epigraphs & letting others speak for you. Remember humans are reading & appreciating your work when you send it to us.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
As said previously, the audience for our books is varied and vast. We print books that matter, and we hope readers will be as moved by them as we are. When that happens, it's great when readers share that with others. Poetry relies on community.
