Short Beasts

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
1752 NW Market St 4123, Seattle, WA, 98107, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Published by Text Literary Foundation, Short Beasts is an online sister imprint of the forthcoming TEXT+Lit, dedicated to publication and innovation of short form fiction. An all volunteer non-profit, we are intent on providing a swift and thorough review process, and on publishing as often as possible. For the benefit of the literary publishing community, TEXT+Lit endeavors to design and produce innovative publishing tools. We aim to help publishers by bridging the gap between functional needs and expense, help writers with ease-of-use, and help readers by bringing more quality articles to your literary world.
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Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
1 - 5 months
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
Too new
How Frequently Is Content Updated?
As often as possible