Short Fiction

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Fiction, Visual Art
Year Established
London, England
Ruby Cowling
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Short Fiction is one of the UK’s best regarded literary magazines. Its ten highly acclaimed annual print issues were produced by Antony Caleshu and Tom Vowler from 2007-2017. Originally supported by the University of Plymouth, these beautifully illustrated Short Fiction coversjournals feature stories by Kevin Barry, Helen Oyeyemi, Alison McLeod, Marina Warner, Kit de Waal, Colin Barrett, Ríona Judge McCormack, Inderjeet Mani, and many more. In our new incarnation, we are delighted to have the support of the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies (LiFTS) at the University of Essex. We currently live online, publishing one Featured Story per month, maintaining the magazine’s commitment to the very highest standards in short fiction. We have always been “the visual literary journal”, interested in a dialogue between visual and written art, so we work with artists to provide bespoke front-illustration for each published piece.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Average Unique Visitors Per Month