Touchstone Literary Magazine

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
108 English & Counseling Services Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
At Touchstone, we are dedicated to supporting new voices, and it goes beyond accepting a piece. Emerging writers who are yet to publish a full book of collection, self-published, marginalized, or underrepresented voices are cordially welcome to find a home for their work here. We expect our editorial board will be kind, constructive, and encouraging in their communication process with submitters. We encourage editors to write supportive notes for works we reject and dedicated feedback for accepted pieces before publication. Although we aim to be selective in choosing works, Touchstone strives to be a platform--not a barrier--for artists. Touchstone is Kansas State University's student-edited literary arts magazine, published annually each Spring by the Department of English at Kansas State University.
Please Identify The University Or Organization
Kansas State University
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Number Of Issues Per Year
Total Circulation