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Water~Stone Review

Type Of Publisher
1536 Hewitt Ave., MS-A1770 Creative Writing Programs, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104-1205, United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
We believe in honoring the tradition of the literary journal and the work of established writers. We believe in carefully ushering new writers into the world and cultivating considerate editors. We welcome and encourage diversity in authorship, voice, and form. We are careful, collaborative, and nurturing. We make a beautiful, award-winning literary journal. The ‘Water~Stone,’ known in alchemy as the ‘Philosopher’s Stone,’ was composed of the four elements of earth, fire, air and water. The stone was supposed by alchemists to possess the property of changing base metals into gold, the most perfect of all metals. It was thought to combine within itself matter and spirit, or body and soul: a union of opposites in perfect harmony. Water~Stone connotes the dynamic, transformative power of literature, as well as the search for beauty and perfection at work in the hearts of aspiring writers. The logo type for Water~Stone is based on a hybrid of two ancient alchemic symbols: one for the amalgam of all elements, and the second for the element of water as a pure and dynamic force. The amalgam is a reference to the multi-genre, interdisciplinary nature of the creative writing programs at Hamline.
Reading Period

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Ja - Ma
Author Payments
Total Circulation
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
New form, voice, content. Narratives told in a new, innovative structure, play with the lyrical or essay form, and poetry that is close to the bone and arresting.
